Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Meal Planning

Amy Redelsperger was kind enough to do a talk on meal planning this morning. She had lots of good information and totally inspired me to be better at planning out our meals (and sticking to that plan). Me and Kristy were both saying that we are emotional eaters, meaning that we have to see how we are feeling that day before deciding what we want to eat so the list plan would work best for us. Although, I would like to give a more structured plan a try. We will see how it goes!

Here is the meal plan example that everyone came up with together. We did a "theme plan" which was: Mexican Mondays, Asian Tuesdays, Italian Wednesdays, American Thursdays, Fancy Fridays, and Leftover Saturdays.

If you missed today but would like all the information Amy has a blog with all of the goods.
Here is the link to Amy's Blog: Homemaker in Training

On a different note we had a ladies night this past Thursday! We had a small group this time but we still had a blast. We went to Ettore's and is was SO GOOD!

Are you jealous yet? I hope so because we would love to see more ladies come to the next ladies night! You won't regret it, I promise!