Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dishwasher Detergent

Have you made your laundry soap yet? If you haven't you have one more fantastic excuse to run to the store and grab the ingredients since this calls for pretty much the same thing.

So all you need is:
1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
1/4 cup Kosher salt
2 packets Lemonade mix. (The little sugar free packets that are like $.25) Or you can use 1/4 cup of citric acid if you have some left over from making your laundry detergent.

You won't believe how easy this is. You don't even have to grate soap this time. I feel guilty even giving this steps but alas, it shows just how easy this is. Ok ready? Don't blink.

1. Pour all of the above into a container. As you can see I use a super duper fancy coffee container. (Don't judge. I like recycling. And it fits.)

2. Mix

3. (And because I feel like I need to give it another step...) RUN THE DISHWASHER! :) Just use 1 TBS of detergent per load. I usually toss half a TBS in the pre-wash just for good riddance when it's a nasty load. I also use white vinegar in the rinse compartment.
So just ignore what the can says, I've changed things up a bit but still use the same can. I just felt a post needed a picture, so there you go.
Obviously you can double, triple, or whatever this formula but this is a small batch to make sure you like it. If you have a really grimy load you can add just THREE drops of dish soap.
And that's it! Happy dish washing!

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