Eat, poop, sleep, eat, poop,
sleep, eat, spit up, scream at Mama, poop 3 times (at least once all over
something that now needs to be laundered), sleep – but not long enough for
anyone else to get a good REM cycle – and repeat. Add to that some lingering soreness
from delivery, soreness from learning to nurse Princess Poopypants (as her
daddy often calls her), & the unexpected onset of the baby blues at the end
of last week, and there are some days it’s hard to remember that this is
exactly what I signed up for. I’m tired is what I’m saying. My husband is
And yet, when our sweet
little girl sighs with complete contentment and snuggles into me when she
finishes eating, my heart melts. I watch her with her daddy when he comes home
from work and I fill with pride at the thought that I helped make him a father.
I kiss the top of her head, smell that precious baby smell, and remember how
utterly blessed I am to have her. I’m reminded that this newborn phase is just
a short stage in her beautiful life, and it won’t last long. We’re also so fortunate
to have so many wonderful people in our lives that love us and adore our baby
girl. Her grandparents go out of their way to help us and take any opportunity
to snuggle her. Her uncles and (especially) aunties and fawn over her, our
church family has brought over meals, & the wonderful ladies at MOPS have
offered encouragement, spit up clean up assistance, and breaks for me while
they hold her. We are truly blessed, and even on the hardest days in the
never-ending newborn cycle remembering that makes me thankful.