Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Preview of Things to Come

Welcome to our new MOPS blog!

I wanted to give you all a little preview of the blog before we start our official postings. We have a pretty awesome line up for you guys!

Mondays- Barbara and Amanda will be switching off weeks posting about baking and cooking.
Tuesdays- I (Courtney) will be doing a Tuesday morning wrap-up for people that weren't able to make it. These would also be good posts to refer your friends to if you have been trying to get them to come to MOPS.
Wednesdays- Kristy will be posing different craft projects.
Thursdays- Janice will be posting various tips and tricks.
Fridays- Tyra will teach us how to coupon.
Saturdays- Amanda and Barbara will be switching off weeks again teaching us about living green.

Now for a little blog tour. Above this post you can see three links: Home, About Us, and Calendar. The "home" link will just bring you back to the main page, which will show you the most recent blog post. The "about us" page is meant for people who may stumble upon this site. If they are local I gave them a way to contact us, in case they are interested in joining our little group. The "calendar" is where you will be able to check out what we plan on doing for the whole year. It is an interactive calendar so you will be able to click on each event and see the details. The details will be things like what each speaker is going to talk about or what things you need to remember to bring on that day. We will also be adding the moms night outs and play-dates to the calendar very soon. When you look at the calendar you will notice that there is a print button. That's right! If you aren't wanting to check the blog all the time you can print out the calendar to keep on your fridge or wherever you will see it.

If you look over to the sidebar on the right, you will see a "looking for something?" section with a search bar. Once we start posting more things you will be able to search for posts that you really like and want to check out again. Below that, there is a "follow us by email" section. If you want to read our blog posts, but don't want to keep coming back here to read them, you can have them sent to your e-mail. All you have to do is type in your e-mail and hit send. Below that is an "our followers" section. If you have a blogger account you can click that button and it will inform you when we post something new.

Also, feel free to leave comments for us on our posts. I opened up the comment section so you don't need a blogger account in order to leave comments. We would love to hear your feedback!

I hope this has been a helpful little blog tour. If we add anything new I will be sure and tell you all how to use it.  

Looking forward to our first real post which will be on Monday Feb. 11th!

P.S.  I know that the header is wrong, there is an added apostrophe in MOPS. I e-mailed the person who designed the blog so we should be getting that fixed very soon.